Hear what Krista has to say!

My Commitments

Community Engagement

From my experience on the North Oaks Home Owners’ Association board I have found that we need a higher level of communication to the citizens of North Oaks to help involve participation in making future decisions for our city. I believe that elected officials should serve their community and the residents that reside here, along with fostering a climate of civility to one another.

As mayor, I will provide fresh, positive, and engaging leadership to our community around discussions of important issues, as this is what is needed most for the City of North Oaks right now.

Housing and Property Values

As a real estate agent in North Oaks for the past 16 years and a North Oaks resident for 23 years, I have experienced both highs and lows in the North Oaks housing market. We all have a self-interest in protecting our housing and property values and ensuring that our community has a stable foundation for future generations to come.

I want to see North Oaks be the best community it can be for the people that live here. The City of North Oaks should do what they can to make sure that the community remains a desirable place to live and grow.


When I am Mayor, I will work to collaborate with the other organizations of North Oaks. No one should be duplicating one another, as we should be maximizing our resources for the good of our community. It is what I do on a daily basis— bring parties together and keeping relationships intact in the process.

I know the equation to make things work. I am the local North Oaks expert - I know the roads, the families and individuals that are out biking, walking and playing. I know many people at Waverly Gardens that have moved there and were the pioneers of North Oaks. We all need to work together.

Privacy, Safety and Security

On top of protecting your home and property values, safety and security also play a huge role in keeping those values on the upward incline. I plan to collaborate with local experts, including the Ramsey County Sheriff's Department to make sure that we have the most effective strategy and policy regarding public safety and security.

In addition to protecting our privacy, North Oaks needs to get back to patrolling every street on a daily basis and develop a proactive plan for unexpected events.

Continuing the Legacy

This is a legacy community—we have every age here, we have all different housing stock, we are a community that tends to live here a long time. My mother-in-law is 88 years old and has been here since 1970. North Oaks is generational and we want this to remain a legacy community.

A few years back I founded the North Oaks Legacy Event where we hosted 300 residents at the golf club and honored many that had given of their time and talents to make North Oaks a great place to live.

Dedication and Respect

I have dedicated my time and resources in promoting North Oaks as a premier legacy community and continue to be in touch with countless residents within our city. I have earned the trust and respect of colleagues, neighbors, and associates within North Oaks and across the Twin Cities.

I’m well-known for being real and engaged with all walks of life. Whether you have a $500,000 home or a $5 million dollar property, everyone has a self-interest in seeing this community be strong.